June 2008 - New 48v 40AH lithium-ion pack is half the weight and twice the range
I have my Li-ion batteries now. Two 40 amp/h Slicbox Li-ion batteries. My bike's battery weight has now dropped in half. My bike has doubled its range. A trip to Vancouver and return to Surrey is easy. I can completely rely on my own source of electricity at home now. The Li-ion recharging cycles has tripled compared to my old Pb-acid batteries.
The new Li-ion batteries should pay for themselves in one year. My bike has paid for itself in two years. If I still had my car I would have paid $4000 in gas and another $3000 in maintenance, repairs and insurance. Going ECO means ECOnomic sense.
The two Slicbox Li-ion batteries also take up only about half the space under my seat as compared to having the previous four Pb-acid batteries under my seat. I could move my charger under the seat now instead of having it in the trunk. The charger also takes up half the amount of space as compared to my previous Pb-acid charger.
Gordon and Lance said that they are now selling single 30 amp/h Slicbox Li-ions in their new EVT 4000e and EVT 168 bikes. The technology has improved remarkably and they are reliable because of the battery management system (BMS) in the new controllers. The BMS allowed the Li-ion batteries to charge evenly and safely with the an automatic shut off when they are full. No need for a timer anymore and waking up in a fear driven sweat wondering if you forgot to unplug your vehicle.
The biggest bonus is that my bike spends less time on the charger and more time on the road.
Steve (view Steve's video)