2015 EVents |
Sep 19, 2015 - National Drive Electric Week Festival in Sechelt |
The Sep 19 Sechelt Road Trip was a success and coincided with the US based National Drive Electric Week. Although it was wet in the morning, it was a major local event and over 200 locals attended to view the 18 or so production and conversion EVs, take in the band and play giant jenga or human foosball. You could also ride a Segway or co-pilot a drone copter. Continuous Model S test rides were courtesy of Tesla Vancouver and a loaded P90D was on display. Food choices were a food truck and pizza. Many questions were asked and answered about electric vehicles. Next year promises to be even bigger! "I drove my Nissan Leaf to Sechelt on Saturday for John Henderson's Drive Electric Week Event where the Dilawri Groups North Shore Nissan and Tesla Motors Canada provided test drives to the over 230 people that attended. I would like to thank new VEVA members Lulu Chen and Sukh Gill for sharing my vehicle and the travel expenses. Gordon Wong brought his Nissan Leaf and transported the Downtown Nissan tent to the event to help keep us dry. VEVA members
The real congratulations go to Cindy Richard and John Henderson for the success of this event which featured over 12 Battery Powered vehicles with many of them owned by residents of the Sunshine Coast. Live Music was provided by an excellent band and good food was also available as well as beverages. If you missed it this year, it will be happening again in 2016 but may be moved to May or June in hopes of finding the kind of weather that the name SUNSHINE Coast describes." -R. Bruce Stout, VEVA President
"Hello everyone
This event was sponsored by SSC Properties, Sustainable Sechelt Community |
The 2nd Annual EV Fair at Science World, organized by BCSEA and VEVA. EV test drives, food, drink and speeches were featured. |
VEVA showing battery electric cars at Earth Day in Memorial Peace Park, Maple Ridge. Most of us were surprised to learn that the city had installed 7 chargepoints at the civic centre! |
2014 EVents |
A well-organized show, with the focus being the EV experience. Some 60 test drives were given. |
VEVA showing a 2012 Nissan Leaf and a 2014 BMW i3 at the car show after the parade. |
2013 EVents |
VEVA showed prominently at the Rod Run 2013 in Sechelt. The 1912 Detroit, three 2012 Leafs, Sechelt Mayor Henderson's orange Tesla Roadster and Ford's new hybrid were featured. Bruce Stout in the Detroit won the 1/8 mile drag race against Mayor Henderson on his Segway. Thanks to Robert Shaw, John Henderson, Denis Olson and others. |
In terms of public participation, one of the most well-attended and interactive events ever. A short list of displays at the event:
Powertech at 12388-88 Ave in Surrey hosted a media event to unveil a test ChaDeMo fast Level 3 charger and four more Level 2 chargers for public use. In attendance at the event were at least a dozen Nissan Leafs and half a dozen Tesla Model S and Roadster models. Of note were distant visitors Fred Wissemann, Victoria Leaf Club who came to the vent from Victoria, and two US based Model S, one from Washington and one from Nevada. One of the Teslas will be the BC entry in the US BC2BC EV Rally that will span the continental US, from BC to Baja California. The facility is open M-F during business hours so do stop by on your way to-from anywhere. They will use the vehicle data generated to determine future fast charge facilities. |
2012 EVents |
Apr 26, 2012 - Secret Ford Focus Electric Test Drive in West Vancouver |
VEVA folks Colin Mastin and Bruce Stout were among the first in Canada to test drive a Ford Focus Electric. The car is priced the same a Chevy Volt, $4,000 higher than a Nisssan Leaf and has the same range as the Leaf. |
Dave Koehn organized a display in downtown Maple Ridge or Earth Day called 100 Years of Electric Cars featuring VEVA's 100-Years old Detroit Electric and a new 2012 Nissan Leaf. |
Jan 12, 2012 - 200 People Witness the Introduction of Electric Cars into Vancouver |
Revenge of the Electric Car Screening What an interesting afternoon and evening! See Year of the Electric Car Press Release First a public display between 4 and 6 pm in Woodwards atrium of the only two pure electric cars you can buy in North America today - the Nissan Leaf and the Mitsubishi iMiEV. BC Hydro provided one of their two GM Volts. The main event followed at 6:30 pm at Tinseltown. Chris Paine's powerful new documentary, narrated by actor Tim Robbins, showed the behind-the-scenes and the all-too-personal trials and tribulations of three electric car manufacturing movers and shakers. This film was a sequel than to the original "Who Killed the Electric Car", but much more personal. You could see the emotion in the eyes of Elon Musk of Tesla, Bob Lutz of GM and Carlos Ghosn of Nissan as the markets crash in 2008 and their companies go into severe jeopardy. Greg "Gadget" Abbott is featured also as a convertor of EVs and has his own disastrous misfortunes at the same time. All come through into better times and the story has a happy ending as the cars come through and become available to the public. The movie was followed up by a panel discussion and fielding of some questions from the audience. The panel represented persepectives from BC Hydro, Powertech Labs (BC Hydro EV research division) and reps from local Mitsubishi and Nissan dealers. Huge kudos to David Feldhaus and Aileen Penner for the professional class event planning and promotion with only one month lead time (over the year-end holiday period nonetheless), John Stonier for his very informative pre-show PowerPoint slide presentation, Bruce Stout, Barry Shell and others for taking care of the cash box. |
2010 EVents |
Loius Palmer (SolarTaxi) created the ZeroRace, a globe circling event with three participants. They were all in Vancouver as the first stop of the North American leg of the journey. |
EV2010VE Conference and Trade Show was at the Wall Center hotel in Vancouver. Excellence in innovation was the theme in the conference and many examples were shown on the floor and outside on the hotel grounds. |
VEVA's ElectraFest (REV) 2010 show. After the driest August on record, Sep 12, 2010 was raining all day. Not a lot of walk-by or drive-by traffic but many people came out purposely to see the show. A few exhibitors didn't make it because of the rain but we did get TWO Teslas, a Tango, Steve Dallas' unique A2B prototype, Gerry Martselo's 240SX drift car, Byron Sheardown's repowered Neon, a new ltihium and Azure AC powered S10 and our own 1912 Detroit. At least half a dozen of the cars were lithium powered and have 200+ km range. Many thanks go to Concord Pacific for the perfect site, Coast Mountain Bus for providing an example of one of our 160 new 6.9 litre diesel hybrid buses as well as a new 600-volt trolley bus. Each bus came complete with the best technical reps we have ever had the pleasure to talk to. Thanks to the City of Vancouver for providing one of their iMiEVs and to BC Hydro for a demo of the first production Plug-In Prius in Canada. Thanks to Horatio for providing hours of thrilling demos for the crowds in our 150x200 metre fenced-in test area. |
Thanks much to John from Sechelt for coming all the way into town for the VEVA BBQ with his brand new 2010 Tesla. The picnic area was pretty much deserted because everybody was looking at the orange Tesla. This was the 2010 model with the console buttons to select drive mode, as well as the 2010-specific painted black wheels and new style entertainment system. |
We worked with the Racing Green Endurance SRZero team as they passed through Vancouver, providing some routing information, accomodation assistance and a garage to work in. |
VEVA was in the North Shore parade again in 2010. The crowd cheered extra loudly for EVs this year, due perhaps in part to the monstrous Gulf oil spill that was gushing even as the parade ran. |
Media Event - At BCIT's GAIT centre, stakeholders the Rocky Mountain Institute, the City of Vancouver and BCIT signed an MOU to participate in smart grid R&D where the EV will play an important part |
2009 EVents |
The Langley Cruise-In is one of the premier events we attend to show our EVs to the public. It attracts over 2000 vehicles and 125,000 people and is one of the top 10 events of its kind in North America. Ryan Gosling brought his clean white S-10 truck from Surrey, Lowell Leifso his silver Toyota RAV4 EV from Surrey, Gordon his Fiero from Vancouver and Alan Cumberlidge brought Jim Albertson’s red S-10 from Langley. The Detroit stayed away due to a commitment with the Stave Lake museum. Our location outside the Casino and beside the motorcycle show n shine was not the greatest but a few thousand people did come by to have a closer look. |
We were invited by the PNE this year to display our cars at the Green Scene tent. It was a stretch to try and fill 17 12-hour days with volunteer attendants from our membership but we more or less managed! We did manage a few hundred thousand views (mostly of the sleek eVaro on display) but relatively few enquiries. The informational text on the cars sure helped out a lot when there was a crush of 5,000 people from the Superdogs show in the Coliseum very close by. |
After New Westminister, we stole the show again at the Port Coquitlam Show & Shine 2009. There
must have been at least a 1000 visitors who couldn't resist but to take a look at our show
Electric Chevy. Curiosity ran rampant; Francine and I had a hard time to keep up. At one point
we sat down to take a break in our folding chairs more than 6' behind the truck, but they still
spotted us. I had to explain technical details to another four while seated and munching on my
donnair; there was no rest for the wicked. In contrast, at the beginning of the show someone
walked by while reading my VEVA sign and said, "What? No Gas, No Emissions - then there's No
Fun". And another commented while I was parking the truck, "this doesn't look like a show car."
And despite the fact that we didn't get any awards or trophies, in my opinion we qualified in the top
three for curiosity. There were only if two other gasoline cars that stood out and got as much
attention as we did, so I took their pictures for Gordon to post and for all to see. Then at the
end of the day I closed my hood and batterybox, and took down my signs. The visitors lost
interest. Now we could drive away peacefully in our stealth (electric) pick-up. The show was
over, but that day we had changed 1000 more minds forever. |
Aug 15, 2009 - Kits Hippie Daze 2009 Car Show - 40th Anniversary of Woodstock |
Don Chandler's purple Sonoma pickup, Buttercup the yellow VEVA IT and Gordon Wong's Fiero showed at the massively popular 4th Avenue Hippie Daze event. There must have been 3-5,000 people. If it wasn't the 22 bands on 4 stages with a 5th stage hosting a DeeJay drawing the crowds, it was the three block long car show, the on-street food offerings from the many restaurants and the sidewalk sales. VEVA's IT drew the most attention because it was so cute and apparently practical but our other cars were very interesting to the crowd as well. We were situated right beside e-Cycle's display of more than a dozen electric scooters. The City of Vancouver Plug-in Prius was there too but it was all by itself on a corner. |
On the way to the VEVA BBQ we dropped by the 21st Avenue block party that we had been invited to in Vancouver. Present were the new 2010 eco cars complete with reps. Hybrids included: Toyota Prius, Honda Insight, Ford Fusion. Volkswagen was there with a new Jetta TDI. |
A big show with 425 cars and large crowds. We had the Detroit, Dave Prince's S-10 and Gordon Wong's Fiero on display. There was a constant crowd around the Detroit and we have never seen so many pictures being taken of the car. There were as many as 10 people reading the Detroit historical info board we put together for the show. Bob Bowles and the Detroit's new friend Brian were hyperactive, talking and showing the car especially to the ladies, mentioning VEVA all the while. Brian and Bob are checking and tuning up all the electrics and mechanical bits. Brian used to work for George Barris (Batmobile, Bat Cave and electronics-based SFX) for 16 years and is now retired in Langley. There were many vendor booths, some large corporate ones, special sections for 70s luxury hydraulic low-riders, 70s Japanese, British, etc. We were across from the Porsches which were sadly neglected because we sucked all the crowds in our direction. Our three EVs had between 6 and 30 people around them at all times. Thanks to VEVA member Gavin McLeod who welcomed us to park the trailer in front of his house about 1 km away from the Columbia Street event. |
One of the biggest parades in BC, two hours long, followed by a static display at Waterfront Park. The Detroit, Fiero, Solectria and an unknown lithium powered Segway with 40 km range ridden by a North Van senior comprised our entry. Thanks for this event go to Ron Burton, Alan Cumberlidge, Colin Mastin, Axel Gringmuth and Gordon Wong for support. Special thanks to Bob Bowles and his wife who made it possible for the Detroit to make the appearance fresh out of hospital. | |
A pretty good turnout despite competition from the Coquitlam Highland Games. Electric cars were the feature this show and the Fiero won best of that class. Prize was presented by Burnaby Mayor Derek Corrigan. Great Bear Pub owner Damian Kettlewell owns a hybrid. Many were intrigued by the EVs. | |
VEVA had three cars again at the KMS Tools Show n' Shine in Coquitlam. The Detroit won again a third prize trophy in the Rare and Unusual class. The day started slow as it was cool and rain was in the forecast. The afternoon was packed with people and cars though, and Dave Prince's S10 often had large crowds peering into the neatly done motor bay. Thanks to Dave Prince for organizing the event, to Ron Burton for supplying tools and working on the Detroit at the end of the day and to Bob Bowles who made the trailer the cleanest we've ever seen it. | |
Another great display of electric vehicles for 2009! Hundreds of attendees came out to see the very practical and fascinating EV creations. A half dozen new 4-wheeled builds surfaced that showed great ingenuity on the part of the builder. There were more bike and recumbent builds than car builds this year. There was a tremendous variety of EVs and very high interaction this year, especially in the PET (personal electric transportation) area. Dozens of eBikes, scooters, mini and motocross bikes, karts and skateboards were everywhere. A record amount of Riding (the R in REV) was done this year, with an average of three vehicles running on one of the two designated tracks at any given moment. | |
May 23, 2009 - South Hill Festival |
VEVA members Gordon Wong and Luke Charie showed their vehicles in the transportation section of the South Hill Fraser Street festival on May 23, 2009. Here's a link to some photos taken at the event by Luke's photgrapher friend. |
Todd Pratt of Future Vehicle Technologies (formerly Fuel Vapor Technologies) presented the yellow eVaro prototype and spoke about its development. FVT should be a front-runner in the $10 million Automotive X-Prize event to be run next year and is slated to appear on Dragon's Den. Five EVs were at the meeting. The green NiMH Solectria was revived by Colin Mastin and made its debut. | |
May 8-10, 2009 - EPIC Event at the new Vancouver Convention Center |
VEVA was at the newly expanded EPIC (Ethical Practical Informed Consumer) show at the new Vancouver Convention Center. In addition to our entries (Toyota RAV4 EV and VEVA IT) there were vehicles from Rapid Electric Vehicles, Fuel Vapour Technologies, CanEV, City of Vancouver and BC Hydro. |
The popularity of EVs had made it on the radar of downtown Vancouver's biggest real estate developer Concord Pacific. The CEO said he wants a Tesla, and I did notice a Lotus in the parking lot. They requested VEVAs support for the media event to announce that they are putting plug ins for EVs in their new development near Science World. Five EVs showed up and one eBike to support the media circus. The result was one hit on Global TV and two articles in the Sun and the Globe. Concord's leadership was independent of VEVA and City initiatives to create a plugged in city. Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson showed up in the Prius Hybrid to plug the EV. This support for EVs is fantastic as city staff are preparing a recommendation to council to draft by-laws that will require some EV Plugs in residential complexes. The public hearing process is uncovering some opposition to the associated costs by other developers and Concord's initiative helps immensely. It is a long process to change laws and build infrastructure with many hurdles on the way. Each little victory keeps VEVA going to see it through. Much like the movie / book "Field of Dreams" we dream "Build it and they will come". Vancouver Plugs In. ~ Don Chandler | |
VEVA participated in the Kerrisdale Community Parade and Carnival Day April 25, 2009. Sitting Liberal MP Joyce Murray requested an EV from VEVA to support her in the parade. Don Chandler drove his Sonoma with her riding / walking with it. Joyce has extensive environmental roots and is a supporter of EVs. During the marshalling prior to the parade we had Joyce chatting with a Green Party candidate, city counsellor Suzanne Anton in front of the Sonoma EV, while Joyce's assistant commented that they had "out greened the Greens". Provinicial MP Colin Hansen walked over just after to introduce himself. These small community events can draw the attention of politicians to EVs. Following the parade we parked in the center of the carnival and a half dozen VEVA members showed up to chat with the public. Thanks to Lawrence, John, Gord, Laura for showing up to wave the flag. There are many other community events this summer that would be happy to have an EV participate. If there is an event in your community and you have an EV or know someone close that does, please volunteer to participate and help spread the word. It is these grassroots activities that give VEVA a strong voice with the powers that be. Media are also often present. ~ Don Chandler | |
April 15, 2009 - VEVA Meeting |
President Gerry Martselos showed VEVA's new Dynasty IT, with IT experts Danny Epp and John Foster sharing some little known facts about the model. Edmonds Batteries gave us an amazing deal on new batteries for the car and has extended the offer of near-wholesale pricing to all VEVA members in good standing.
Across Canada by EV - Further inspired by Justin Lemire-Elmore's electric-fueled coast-to-coast trip from Pacific to Atlantic oceans on an e-bike, Chad Galloway and Katie Laufenberg presented their short film called Recharge which introduced their concept of driving across Canada in an electric car fueled only with power generated from renewable sources.![]() |
VEVA was invited to the Vancouver International Auto Show, March 31st - April 5th at
BC Place Stadium. There were 11 EVs including the AC Propulsion eBox, Fuel Vapour eVaro,
Toyota RAV4-EV, CanEV Might-E Truck, E-SUV and Dynasty IT. In addition there were the
Ford Ranger and Escape conversions from Rapid Electric Vehicles and three Plug-In Priuses.
VEVA was there in force to show the vehicles and answered visitors' questions.
See photos |
2008 EVents |
A rare treat. We got to see a solar car worth $1 million which aims to set
a record for the most distance travelled under solar power alone.
The 225 kg car is made of fibreglass and carbon-fiber-wrapped 2" polyurethane
foam and has onboard 4 kw-hrs of Kokam flat-pack Lithium-Poly batteries in
four chrome boxes at the edges of the car. It has a 900 watt array of
custom-cut silicon cells wired to charge the batteries.
Rear wheel drive is via a hub motor which itself is about a foot in diameter.
The range at night is 250 km and in bright sun 450 km.
It can accelerate from 0-85 km/hr in 6 seconds and has a top speed of 120 km/hr.
There is no AC charger onboard and no power is derived from the support vehicle
- Marcelo da Luz wants to break the solar-only land distance record!
See photos by Gordon Wong and Scott Carswell. |
October 8, 2008 - George Mackie Library Talk |
VEVA did the presentation for a group of people (40 people) at the George Mackie Library in North Delta.
A special thanks to Nancy Boorman from the library who organized the facilities
and who said she really enjoyed the event.
Harry Sanalam and Laine Mitchell brought their EV's for the group to see.
Ron Burton presented using John Stonier's power point slides.
There was a lot of interest and many questions brought up.
We had also a reporter that interviewed us on video.
Once again thanks to all VEVA vounteers involved.
Jan Engstrom |
Thanks to Gerry Martselos at Terr2imports.ca for hosting the group at his facility in Burnaby where EV Jerry Asher of the EAA showed his Plug-In Prius Spirit of DC on his North American Tour. Gerry is himself converting a Nissan 240SX from Skyline running gear to electric, and put on an impressive display for all. | |
September 24, 2008 - SFU Sustainability Fair |
Thanks to Jan Engstrom and Robert Shaw for manning the VEVA booth at SFU. |
September 17, 2008 - Regular VEVA Meeting at BCIT |
VEVA members Dr. Arden Henley and Mary Kean led attendees in the fist steps of a process called Appreciative Inquiry (AI). Collectively, we determined that our activities were in fact making a strong impression on the public. We also determined that after manufacturers start selling EVs, VEVA will continue to grow and evolve as a support and educational organization. more ... |
Some 1500 cars and 125,000 people (2007 figures) gathered in downtown Langley town center for the 2008 Langley Cruise-In. VEVA was there with the 1912 Detroit Electric and two electric Fieros. At any given moment, there were between three and fifteen people gathered around each of VEVA's electric vehicles. We were surrounded by lots of clean and shiny gassers but they were quite lonely compared to the attention we received. Thanks go to VEVA members Alan Cumberlidge, the Detoit handler, Laine Mitchell, Jan Engstrom and Gordon Wong for one of the best shows of the year. | |
The Snalams put on a superb BBQ at their delightful place in Richmond.
There was more than enough excellent food for everyone and a Globe reporter
also dropped by to gather material for a story in the national publication.
Click here to see it.
The story generated 267 comments.
It is also archived here |
The e-Fiero was at the Hippie Daze Summer of Love Festival on 4th Avenue. There were close to 100 cars from the 60s (and some later) on display. The Fiero won best in class because it was the only car in its class, ie electric. What was most significant was that the EV received more scrutiny from passersby than most, if not all other cars on display! Many thanks go to Robert Shaw for working the crowds. | |
The Spirit of the Sea Festival
was very successful. I have never spoken to so many people at an EV show before.
There were over 75,000 visitors and we opened up connections with lots of politicians.
The high point was when the Mayor of White Rock rode (with Alan Cumberlidge and myself)
in the Dynasty pickup during the Torchlight Parade on Marine Drive.
As Diane Gratton said: The little pickup is now referred to as the "VEVA pickup".
Thank you to Danny Epp for providing the car. This was a successful showing.
Thank you to Dianne and Alan for working the crowds on the beach. - Jan Engstrom |
Doug Harder set up the Great Bear Show and Shine. He was at our REV!2008 show and invited us to the 3rd Annual Spirit of Edmonds Car Show and Street Festival which closed Edmonds Street in Burnaby from Kingsway to Canada Way for a day. | |
Our First Summer Meeting, And Our First Outdoor Meeting! Location was Vancouver's Trout Lake south-east parking lot. Fifty visitors were treated to a showing of electric trucks, cars, motorcycles, scooters and bicycles, and owners gave brief talks on the key technical features of their vehicles and fielded questions about their experience of ‘going electric’. Everyone had a great time and we will likely repeat the event next year! | |
Loius Palmer and his SolarTaxi team visited Vancouver on the first stop of a North American tour. Don Chandler and VEVA hosted the car, the team and arrange for media coverage and meetings with officials. Read more ... | |
One of the biggest events of the year is actually two events on Canada Day.
The North Shore Parade attracted 25,000 people who lined the streets
between Grand Boulevard and Lonsdale in North Vancouver to watch
the 100+ entry parade go by.
The Waterfront Park event is a separately organized event which draws 5,000 people with displays, activities and a live stage that plays into the evening. In the 2007 parade we had VEVA's 1912 Detroit and Gordon Wong's 85 Fiero. In the 2008 parade we also had Louis Palmer in the Solartaxi as special guest, Greg Murray's E-SUV, Don Chandler's Sonoma and Bob Milburn-Brown's Escort Wagon. |
June 18, 2008 Meeting
Our Guest speaker was Justin Lemire-Elmore of Renaissance Bicycle Company (www.ebikes.ca). Electric bikes are just a smaller version of the electric car - the same basic components and functions are there! He briefly mentioned his new bicycle lighting systems platform nearing production and the Cycle Analyst product which served as the source for data collection on a new regen controller project. Justin presented the theory of motor control and regeneration as applied to brushless DC motors. He presented the concept of regeneration within the framework of electronic commutation with a simplified H-bridge diagram. Since there are few controllers available for bicycles with regenerative braking, he built a prototype and tested it under typical local riding conditions. The results were presented with charts of the data logging results, and it appears that regen on a typical commuter electric bike is worth the effort and expense because of reduced brake maintenance. Justin said that the most tolerant battery type for regen (overcharge) was NiCad. He went briefly into the characteristics of various battery types and the complications posed by battery management systems after some very good questions from the overflow audience. |
VEVA had four cars at the annual KMS Tools Show n Shine in Coquitlam next to IKEA. The 1912 Detroit, Fiero, Forsa and Sonoma had their own section in the Specialty and Rare/Unusual class. After the voting was done, the Detroit took home the 3rd place trophy in the class against stiff competition. Hundreds of car buffs passed by our area and all seemed to have questions. There seemed to be a lot of interest in owning a low-cost means of personal transportation given the 50% increase in fuel prices in the past few months. Most of these people were wrench heads and we could see the wheels going around in their heads as they studied our conversions! | |
VEVA's own REV!2008 show saw hundreds of visitors and a record number of TV crews. | |
Sierra Club two-day climate change film festival at the Vancouver Public Library. VEVA was there with Delta-Q's GEM. | |
The May 21 regular VEVA meeting had a record attendance of 85 people. Samuel F. Lam was guest speaker. He is the Senior Vehicle Engineer at the Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Branch, Highway Operations Division, Ministry of Transportation, Province of BC. Sam is the person who penned the eBike rules a few years ago and is most familiar with provincial electric vehicle related regulations. He explained the rules that relate to conversions, U-Builts etc. His role is in implementation, not in policy or enforcement so he will entertained all questions on interpretation and rationale of existing regulations and how the Province handles electric vehicle inspections, either importation or conversion. Here are the Government Regulations. | |
VEVA had an area larger than Toyota's booth under the sails at the
2008 EPIC Sustainable Living Expo.
We showed Gordon Day's 160HP Lithium-Powered AC Propulsion e-Box based on a
Toyota Scion chassis, as well as Jurgen Borovica's electric motocross bike which
competes well with 250 cc gassers.
Don Chandler's Photos are available here. |
March 19, 2008 Meeting![]() |
Greg Murray from E-SUV presented the EXV4 electric mini-SUV from E-Ride industries. The shiny black vehicle he brought in for display that evening is now licensed for BC municipalities. E-Ride Industries has shipped over 500 of these utility vehicles to airport authorities and various campuses. |
VEVA commanded a large booth at the Green Living Show.
We handed out over 1000 pieces with our website address on it
and the hits went way up so people are interested!
VEVA thanks for their contributions:
Monica & Byron Sheardown, Don Chandler, Rob Shaw,
Jan Engstrom, Doug Brown, Bob Milburn-Brown,
Scott Carswell, John Stonier, Malcolm Chaddock,
Jeremy Whyte, Doug Gook, Doug Casmil, Dave Koehn,
Ron Brown, Ken Shiels, Richard Blazecka and Walter Wardrop.
See photos here
Feb 28, 2008![]() |
Bodwell North Shore High School EcoFest
Thanks go out to all Bowell High School volunteers, attached are two photos, sorry one is a little fuzzy. VEVA was inside the gym and in the parking lot. During set up in the morning there was some free time to talk to other VEVA members about electric vehicle issues. The School paid $100 in gas to get the Detroit there and also provided finger food and coffee for all exhibitors. I personally talked to about one hundred people, some of the students kept on returning to look at my electric bicycle several times. Thanks again to Ron, Dave, Bob, Walter, Jeremy, Jan and Malcolm - we did a great job! Ron Burton, Detroit trainer, would like to express special thanks to Dave Koehn for wrangling the 1912 Detroit all day that day! (Feb 23, 2008) - Robert Shaw Official Link to the event. You tube Video of the event |
Feb 23, 2008 |
VEVA appearance at the Arbutus Club Earth Wellness Show.
VEVA was one of 33 exhibitors including BC Hydro, Science World, SmartCar and Downtown Toyota.
We had two AC motored Li-ion powered 4-passenger cars, each with a real-world 160 km range.
They were Gordon Day's ACP Scion E-Box and Phil Dayson's Solectria.
Gordon Wong's lead DC-powered Fiero 2-seater with 70 km range and Robert Shaw's Merida ebike was also there.
Thanks to Bob Milburn-Brown and Al Horswill for their support that day.
VEVA's First Conversion Course was held at Canadian Electric Vehicles
in January 2008. Over two weekends and with eight or ten pairs of hands at work, the purple GMC Sonoma shortbed lost its engine
and got a new 9" motor, new pack of 26 US-125 6 volt 230AH batteries, Zilla 1K controller and PFC-20 charger.
Its range is about 80 km on the backroads, somewhat less on the freeway and the city.
VEVA President Don Chandler is the proud new owner of the truck and he says it feels good to not have to buy gas!
A camera crew from Knowledge Network shot a whole lot of footage at our course! View the documentary video called Driving Change here |
2007 EVents |
Sept 20, 2007 |
VEVA Appearance on "Automotive Intelligence" Radio Show on CISL 650 AM
VEVA member John Stonier, along with Danny Epp from Dynasty Motorcars were guests on the show "Automotive Intelligence", on CISL 650 AM. The talk was about electric plug-in cars. |
KMS Tools Coquitlam Show & Shine
Al Godfrey and Roger Stockton of VEVA showed their EVs at the KMS Tools Coquitlam Show n'Shine. They won first and second place respectively, in the Specialty Class. The loser car in that class was a twin-turbo Mustang show-only car that ran on pure alcohol. The car was built by a local customizing shop and had to be shown indoors on that wet day since it did not even have a hood! You may or may not be able to find photos here. |
The Snalam BBQ
Many thanks from VEVA to Harry and Susan Snalam and the Snalam family for accomodating the growing bunch of local EV folks. There was even a reserved EV parking area! The food was wonderful, especially the tuxedo-dressed strawberies and the salmon! |
VEVA at the BCSEA Greendrinks BBQ at Jericho Park Pond
Several hundred green-minded folks came for the event which featured free Tofurkey hotdogs and drinks from Ethical Funds by way of Choices Markets and other activities. Two Day4 130 watt panels supplied power to the portable kitchen that served the food. Al Hormier was there with his Crystalyte-powered recumbent. Three battery cars and a hybrid were on display in the adjacent parking lot. The event was sponsored by BCSEA, Green Drinks, Ethical Funds, Delta-Q, Choices Markets, EarthSave and MEC. |
July 1, 2007 |
VEVA Helps North Vancouver Celebrate 100 Years
What: North Vancouver Canada Day Parade and Waterfront Park Exhibit On Canada Day, July 1, 2007, VEVA's Detroit driven by Axel Gringmuth and Gordon Wong in the Fiero took part in the annual North Shore Parade. There were perhaps 25,000 spectators. We were sequenced at entry #67, behind a girls' dance school and in front of a Polish Association with kids in colourful costume. The tank shown in the top photo was actually in the parade but it brought up the rear - an interesting juxtaposition of the best and the worst in terms of energy efficiency. After the parade, the EVs were off to Waterfront park for the afternoon festivities which included a live music stage and public viewing of the electric vehicles. The Dynasty Utility was also present in our area at the park which was certainly one of the busier areas. |
VEVA's Own REV!2007 Show was a Soaking Success!
Where: 5120 NW Marine Drive, Spanish Banks When: Saturday June 9, 2007 Details: Our premier EVent! The adacent larger parking lot was alawys at least half full despite heavy rains. The media crews were quite evident onsite - at once point no less than three broadcast Betacams were onsite atthe same time - thanks to John Stonier for the media liason. One couple came up from Seattle just to see the event! There seemed to be a significant increase this time in the number of people who were asking serious questions about acquiring an electric vehicle for personal use. |
VEVA was at the ![]() Where: International Departures Level, VYR Terminal Building When: June 7, 2007 (Thursday) Details: A fun and informative event for airport employees, maintenance staff and some travellers who just happened to be walking by. Thanks to Don Chandler, Jan Engstrom, Randy Holmquist, Nick Banks and Gordon Wong for their appearance. |
Andy Frank, professor of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering at UC Davis, the father of the plug-in hybrid, spoke to VEVA at BCIT and gave some eye-opening facts based upon his research. You can find the audio and a set of slides in our members' area. | |
April 22, 2007 |
VEVA was at the South Hill Sustainability Festival
Where: Fraser and 47th in Vancouver When: May 12, 2007 (Saturday) Details: There were probably close to 1000 people at this street festival at 47th and Fraser and almost a hundred "EVs are Cool" bumper stickers were picked up. There was an amplified real with different acts non-stop, a popular 12 metre climbing wall, two inflatable immersive environments, food stands, build-and-paint wood crafts and a guy with what looked like a jet-pack on his back but was labelled 'Starbucks' and dispensed coffee samples. We might have been able to have half a parking lot for ebike test rides but alas, no bikes were available for testing! One woman, thinking we were a car dealership, repeatedly demanded from us how to order and how fast we could deliver the 200+ mile Electrovaya SUV we had a pin-up of on Jan's display system. She did not even ask how much, just how soon could she get one while her "banker" was on the phone! Lots of interest in the Fiero and questions about conversions. At least one new conversion is planned from our last two events - they already bought the chassis and were asking further questions. Thanks to Jan Engstrom, Robert Shaw, Jeremy Whyte, Ron Burton and assorted unnamed hangers-on for talking to the crowds. |
VEVA was at Earth Day 2007
Where: The North Vancouver AutoMall When: April 22, 2007 (Sunday) Details: BCTV featured the event at the AutoMall. Shared Vision Magazine sponsored a number of booths around the perimeter of the AutoMall, one of which was ours in conjunction with the BC Hydro Stave Falls Visitor Centre. The Detroit and the electric Fiero were available for rides during the day. |
VEVA was at the Skills Canada BC Solar Car Race Event
Where: The Tradex Center in Abbottsford When: April 18, 2007 (Wednesday) Why: Skills Canada showcases young talent from high school through junior college ages groups in various technology sectors such as robotics, computer automation and energy conservation. For more information, visit Skills Canada BC VEVA member John Foster was the technical coordinator for the event. |
March 16-18, 2007 |
VEVA and the Detroit were displaying at the EPIC eco-consumer show
Mar 16-18 (Fri-Sun), Globe presented EPIC, the Sustainable Living Expo, at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center. VEVA and the 1912 Detroit were there!
Members of VEVA were on hand to speak to the public, answer people's questions, and display our antique ambassador electric car, the 1912 Detroit Electric.
We had plenty of information and handouts for the visitors. |
Sunday January 21, 2007 |
VEVA screens "Who Killed the Electric Car?" Detroit Fundraiser at The Ridge Theatre With vehicles On Display:
The theatre was virtually at capacity and VEVA raised a total of over $5000
from ticket sales and donations from BC Hydro and Lang Motors.
The proceeds are being spent on Detroit restoration and repair. More details here. |
2006 EVents |
VEVA Vehicle Display at The Clean Air Auto Show Place: Delaney's Pub, Burnaby VEVA played a significant role in the success of the Clean Air Auto Show. Our 1912 Detroit was the feature car of the event (also front and centre in the event poster). VEVA cars at the show included:
Four other smart cars and 3 other alternative fuel vehicles were on hand. (Bio-diesel, SVO(straight vegetable oil), Nat Gas) Fairchild TV filmed a segment with Gordon Wong and his Fiero Friday afternoon for their Weekender segment broadcast Friday night. This brought a number of viewers to the show on Saturday afternoon. Mayor Derek Corrigan of Burnaby, and Mayor Darrell Mussatto had the opportunity to ride in our 1912 Detroit, and were both quite impressed with our vehicle and the role electric cars can take. (We should follow-up with them.... working on this) The pub was full for the speeches by Mayor Derek Corrigan, Hon. Gregor Robertson MLA Vancouver-Fairview, Mayor Darrell Mussatto, and Coquitlam Councillor Fin Donnelly. A panel discussion followed with Anita Burke (Natural capitalism lecturer, past sustainable development consultant), Ken Fryer (City of Coquitlam), Curtis Mearns (Cascadia Bio-Fuels), and John Stonier (VEVA). Thanks to additional VEVA volunteers who attended and helped out:
The organizers told me that they would like to put on a larger event in the spring, and would definitely seek our participation. John Stonier |
August 26, 2006 |
VEVA Vehicle Display at The PNE Place: Miller Drive, PNE grounds VEVA was invited this year to a vehicle Show and Shine on Miller Drive at the PNE today. Several of the vehicles in the VEVA Registry were there to view. The 1912 Detroit Electric drew plenty of interest. Other pure electric vehicles on display included Harry Snalam's Mazda RX-7, Dave Koehn's Jet Electrica 007, Roger Stockton's Suzuki Forsa, a white IT sedan, a maroon IT Utility, Delta-Q's GEM utility, Gordon Wong's Fiero and Jan Engstrom's Firefly. Hybrids included two maroon Priuses from John Stonier and Greg Fung as well as Walter Wardrop's white Civic. Bikes and scooters were displayed by Gordon World, Steve Miloshev and Don Chandler. A lone custom recumbent trike with homebuilt everything from a Mr. Ishikawa rounded out the field. VEVA members served up lots of good information at various points along the lineup. Steve Miloshev said the green electric skateboard that was in the onsite parade was purchased from him. Thanks to Don Chandler for the site scouting, Walter Wardrop for the organization, John Stonier for the Detroit transport, Dave Barnaby for keeping the Detroit nearby the Fair, John Foster and Margaret McReadie for keeping the ITs nearby as well, Robert Shaw and Alan for the IT transport and all participants who displayed or assisted by talking to the curious Fairgoers. The visitors ranged from how-about-that comments to long rants about one conspiracy or another! |
June 10, 2006 |
VEVA's REV! Show Place: Spanish Banks westmost large parking lot Event: REV!2006 Every year in early June, VEVA puts on a FREE showcase of electric vehicles called Ride-Electric-Vehicles! or REV! for short. The public is encouraged to come out to learn about these unique zero-pollution machines and to try riding in or on them, also at no charge. See photos |
2005 EVents |
Dec 8, 2005 |
VEVA Presentation at BCSEA Meeting Place: City Hall Strathcona Room Subject: In conjunction with the wrap-up of the EDTA Conference at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Center, some EDTA participants were parts of a public presentation organized by the BCSEA. The theme was "Electric, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Vehicles - En Route Towards Sustainable Transportation" Speakers: Mark Stoiber (Change Advertising), Alison Grig (The Hydrogen Highway Project for Fuel Cells Canada), Lawrence Harris and Diane Gratton (VEVA), Felix Cramer (The Calcars Initiative). Introductions by Richard Siegenthaler (BCSEA) |
Sat Nov 26, 2005 |
Raincover for Raincouver Show - Vancouver Place: Kingsgate Mall, Broadway & Kingsway in Vancouver. Actvities: Baking competition, free bakery treats, demos of raingear, several musical groups, two Vancouver City council members appeared Admission: FREE to the public. Produced By: The Solar Power Roadshow, call Rob (604) 739-7717 Kingsgate mall was transformed into an indoor festival site last saturday, with the assistance of the Solar Power Roadshow. Visitors to the mall were treated to christmas cookies, cakes, and treats at a free taste-test bakery and gingerbread house competition. Shoppers did the voting. Shoppers say VCC, Swiss Bakery and Artisan Bread are top bakeshops in Vancouver! Councillors Raymond Louie (Vision) and Suzanne Anton (NPA) inspected newly-designed solutions to cycling in the wet streets of 'Raincouver'. Never before in a shopping mall: Raging Grannies' sing-a-long, poetry reading, tanto drumming, and didgeridoo music. Seymour School's gingerbread house was voted best in its category. VEVA member Robert Shaw and Steve Miloshev explained how their electric bikes with optional wind shields and raingear can keep riders quite dry. |
Sat Oct 15, 2005 |
‘What-Gas-Crisis?’ Electric Bike and Car Show - Vancouver Place: Kingsgate Mall, Broadway & Kingsway in Vancouver. Actvities: Free test rides. Prizes for first 10 people arriving on any non-gasoline-burning vehicle, courtesy of Swiss Bakery and The Balloon Lady. Admission: FREE to exhibitors and the public. Produced By: The Solar Power Roadshow, call Rob (604) 739-7717 Most all VEVA members with electric bike stores were there showing their latest models. City councilman Louie announced the door prize winners. Gordon Wong was there with the Electric Fiero. Sadly, it could not fit through the double doors and had to sit outside by the door. It was sunny and warm though! |
Fri Sept 23, 2005 |
BC Rivers Day - Langley LOCATION: Langley's Portage Park sponsored by City of Langley. Jan Engstrom of VEVA was there along with electric bikes on display |
July 9, 2005 |
VEVA displays an EV at the July 9 Solar Open House sponsored by SPEC
(Society Promoting Environmental Conservation).
They showcased a new $15,000 grid inter-tie system with
eight Kyocera 45-volt panels generating a peak power of 1.4 kW through
a Xantrex controller. BC Hydro recently approved home-based intertie systems
and will buy power from micro-generation facilities.
Solar food cookers were also demonstrated at the event.
For more information about SPEC, see the SPEC Website |
2004 EVents |
Nov 27, 2004 |
The ART KAR Electrik Show And Sale was held at Joe Blow Glassworks, 1191 Parker Street in Vancouver on Nov 27, 2004 |
First EVer EAA International Conference 3rd EVer EAA Chapters Conference LOCATION: Science World, 1 blk North of REV!2004 Site. Sponsored by EAA, VEVA and others. This is a real conference - tickets are available via VEVA members. Agenda Examples:
Mon/Tues |
UBC South SUB Plaza Electric Bike Demonstrations and Rides. Organized by our newest members who founded the UBC Electric Bike Club. Blessed by TREK UBC, dozens of people tried out many e-bikes from vendors JVBike, E-Ride and Voltage EV. |
Mar 31 - Apr 2, 2004 |
GLOBE 2004 - Featured Energy and Climate Change as the theme. LOCATION: Pan Pacific Convention Centre, Vancouver waterfront. Sponsored by Government of Canada, Globe and Mail, Alcan, UN Environment Programme, Suncor Energy, BC Hydro, CMHC, Port of Vancouver, Weyerhauser, CSA, Starbucks, Dofasco, CKNW and others. Links: http://www.globe2004.com http://www.socialfunds.com/news/release.cgi/2549.html |
2003 EVents |
Sun Sep 28 2003 |
VEVA Members had a booth at the 14th annual BC Rivers Day,
an environmental fair hosted by the township of Langley. Pictures:
Sat Feb 22, 2003 |
to visit and view the Azure Dynamics
one-litre engined hybrid fleet trucks.
A very informative trip where we learned that a series hybrid can
be an practical fuel-saving alternative in a real-world application.
In a series hybrid, the internal combusion engine is not mechanically
coupled to the drive wheels, which implies that it drives a generator. Series Hybrid: Fueled Engine > Generator > Batteries > Electric Motor > Drive Train Parallel Hybrid: Fueled Engine > Drive Train < Electric Motor < Batteries
December 7, 2002 |
Electric Bicycle Event Display and demonstration at Drive Organics, 1045 Commercial Drive at Napier Sat Dec 7 organized by e-bike Bob. CityTV had us interviewed on the 6 o'clock news that night. After this week, there were perhaps half a dozen organized electric bike-based organic food deliveries. The intention of these were to make the commuity in East Vancouver aware of alternative fueled transportation for deliveries. Click for info |